Water Labs

Amanda Lahners, REHS/RS,

Sandra Deausy MD.,
Health Officer

Health Board Memebers

Annabella Juhasz, MD-President

Patrick Dorroh, DVM, Vice-President

Mark Nelson, MD

Georgetta Manning-Cox, DDS

Ali Laun

Lauren Arnold

La Porte County Health Department

La Porte Office

809 State Street, Suite 401A
La Porte, IN 46350
Phone (LP): 219-326-6808 Ext. 2200 or 219-325-5563

Fax: 219-325-8628

Michigan City Office

300 Washington ST

Michigan City, IN



“As a homeowner/resident, with a private well source, it is YOUR responsibility to know what contaminants are present in your water.”

The La Porte County Health Department Water Laboratory, (LPCHDWL) a Public Health Laboratory Service, is certified by the Indiana State Department of Health Water Microbiology Certification Program for the Bacteriological Examination of Public Waters under the Safe Drinking Water Act in accordance with the National Primary Drinking Water Regulations (40 CFR Part 141) and the Indiana Primary Drinking Water Regulations (327 IAC 8-1 & 8-2).

To maintain state certification, the laboratory conducts required proficiency testing and completes quality assurance and quality control exercises on a daily basis. Every three (3) years the LPCHDWL is inspected and re-certified by the Indiana State Department of Health Water Microbiology and Chemistry Certification Programs.

The LCHDWL tests for Total coliform and E. Coli bacteria in public and private well water, community pools and spas. Coliform bacteria are a commonly used bacterial indicator of sanitary quality of foods and water. They are defined as rod-shaped Gram-negative non-spore-forming bacteria which can ferment lactose with the production of acid and gas when incubated at 35-37°C. Coliforms can be found in the aquatic environment, in soil and on vegetation; they are universally present in large numbers in the feces of warm-blooded animals. While coliforms are themselves not normally causes of serious illness, they are easy to culture and their presence is used to indicate that other pathogenic organisms of fecal origin may be present. Fecal pathogens include bacteria, viruses, or protozoa and many multicellular parasites.

During the months of March-October, the LPCHDWL tests surface water from local area cities’ Water Treatment Plants for the presence of E.Coli. The laboratory also tests surface waters from area lakes, ponds, and beaches for the presence of E.Coli.

The laboratory also offers screening tests for Lead, Nitrate, Nitrite, Iron and Fluoride.

All bottles for all tests are purchased from our office and brought back during the specific lab hours after properly sampling the water to be tested. All information needed (directions for taking a sample, lab hours) are on the reverse side of the lab form received when purchasing the bottles. Please be aware certain tests have to be conducted within a short period of time within taking of the sample.


Total Coliform (Bacteria) Sample(s) accepted Mon-Wed, 8AM-3PM, Thu 8AM-2PM $20
Pool/Spa/Wading Sample(s) accepted Mon-Wed, 8AM-2PM $25
Surface Water w/ 1mL Dilution $30
Surface Water (Beaches, Lakes, Ponds) Sample(s) accepted Mon-Thu, 8am-12pm $25

Chemical Screenings
1. Lead – $18
2. Nitrate – $18
3. Nitrite – $18
4. Iron – $15
5. Fluoride – $15

Sample(s) accepted Mon-Wed 8am-3pm, Thu 8am-2pm
Certified Chemistry Test
1. Nitrate – $25
Sample(s) accepted Mon-Wed 8am-3pm


Lyme Testing – $210.00

The La Porte County Health Department water testing laboratory offers a FREE blood draw for the public wanting to test themselves for Lyme disease and the co-infections associated with Lyme. However, the testing will not be free of charge, testing starts at $210. The laboratory does not bill insurance, but will bill Medicare.

Individuals wanting to be tested need to make an appointment at the LPCHD La Porte Office on Fridays ONLY.

The blood will be sent to IgeneX Laboratories, 795 San Antonio Rd. – Palo Alto, CA 94303. www.igenex.com

From IgeneX’s website:
“IGeneX, Inc. is a specialty immunology laboratory and research facility, providing personalized service to over 1,000 private practice physicians, hospitals, and other clinical reference laboratories throughout the U.S. and Canada. The laboratory also functions as a pilot site for diagnostic manufacturers in the introduction of new assays, and has extensive collaborative agreements with multiple research groups.
The Reference Laboratory, founded in 1983, was purchased from 3M Diagnostic Systems (3MDS-Santa Clara, CA and BioWhittaker, Inc., Walkersville, MD) in 1991 by IGeneX, Inc. and moved to Palo Alto, California.
The laboratory is CLIA-certified, inspected by the Department of Health and Human Services for Medicare testing. We are also licensed in those states with special requirements (California, Florida, Maryland, New York, and Pennsylvania). All other states accept CMS licensure. See the QA Package for description of our certifications, validation protocols, and quality assurance practices.”

The LPCHD Health Officer, Dr. Sandra Deausy, MD, will be the ordering physician for these tests, however, she will not be responsible for treatment or diagnosis of any patient. Test results will be sent to patient’s family doctor, and kept on file at the LPCHD.


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