January 7, 2021
Beginning this Friday January 8th, at 9a.m. CST, ONLY Indiana residents 80 years old or older will be able to sign up for the COVID-19 vaccination. They may do so through the website OurShot.in.gov or by calling the state’s 2-1-1 telephone assistance service. Vaccinations are free. Please do not call the Health Department to make an appointment.
Vaccinations will be by appointment only; no walk-ups will be accommodated at this time.
La Porte County’s vaccination site will be located at the Community Building in the La Porte County Fairgrounds at 2581 West State Road 2, La Porte, IN 46350. Appointment times will vary based on availability.
The call center for 2-1-1 will be open from 8a.m. to 9p.m. CST daily, including weekends. Family members may make appointments for seniors. A photo ID will be asked for at the time of the appointment.
At this time La Porte County will receive the Moderna brand vaccine. An appointment to receive the second dose will be made when you receive the first dose. Recipients will then receive reminder messages leading up to their second dose appointment.
People 80 years old and older account for 3.8% of the state population but more than 19% of the hospitalizations and 52% of COVID-19 deaths.
Dr. Lindsay Weaver, the state’s chief medical officer, said Indiana has received 350,000 doses so far. About 56,000 doses have been given to CVS and Walgreens to be administered at long-term care facilities.
The state will follow that age group with people 70 years old and older and then 60 years old and older. A timeline of when the vaccine will be available to these age groups was not immediately available, although Dr. Weaver said the aim was to have that expansion sometime in February.
Sandra Deausy, MD Tony Mancuso
Health Officer Administrator
Click Here to Find a Vaccine Site