Interlocal Ethics Entity
Shared Ethics Advisory Commission
Joint Board of Delegates
Date: Monday, April 13, 2020 To: Media & Members
Re: Meeting of the Shared Ethics Entity Joint Board of Delegates
Let this serve as Notice that the Joint Board of Delegates of the Interlocal Ethics Entity has been called for Thursday, April 30, 2020 at 12:00 Noon. This meeting will be convened as an electronic meeting, pursuant to Governor Holcomb’s Executive Order 20-04, reinstated by his Order 20-18, allowing such meetings, pursuant to IC 5-14-1.5-3.6 for the duration of the emergency. Although Governor Holcomb’s order suspends the requirement of having at least one member on premises, it is expected that all members will be participating remotely by way of the Zoom platform.
Taxpayers and interested persons may observe and record the meeting by live streaming by joining the meeting on the Zoom platform
Once you click on the link above or paste it into your browser url port, you should be taken where the meeting should be identified.
Further, persons wishing to offer comment in the meeting may access the electronic meeting by using the preceding. You will be to comment as well.
The purpose of the meeting will be to elect its officers for 2020, Hold a Public Hearing on proposed additional appropriations in the Special Ethics Initiative Fund and to consider such other matters as may be necessary or desirable. The interlocal cooperation agreement entered into pursuant to IC 36-1-7, first adopted by the member entities November 21st, 2005, established the Joint Board of Delegates of the Interlocal Ethics Entity and the Shared Ethics Advisory Commission, to assist with training and development under the ethics ordinances adopted by the participating communities.
Meeting ID: 615 875 118
Password: 112096
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Meeting ID: 615 875 118
Password: 112096
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Shared Ethics Advisory Commission
Dan Klein, President
Joint Board of Delegates
Andrew Kyres, Vice-President
By Michael W. Griffin, IAMC/MMC/CPFA/CPFIM/CMO
Highland Clerk-Treasurer
Notice Issued Pursuant to IC 5-14-1.5 et seq.