The La Porte County Board of Commissioners hereby invites quotes for professional services designated as: LaPorte County Courthouse Engineering Assessment



 The services are requested for the LaPorte County Courthouse, 813 Lincolnway, LaPorte, IN 46350

Project Description

The Board of Commissioners seeks a quote for the following professional service:

Provide an engineering assessment of the LaPorte County Courthouse that identifies needs for maintenance, repair, or improvements currently and into the foreseeable future.  The assessment should provide recommendations for the type of work to be performed along with capital cost estimates.

Any assessment and recommendations should include the following:

  • Mechanical, electrical, and plumbing system assessment
  • Structural condition assessment
  • Basement and exterior masonry assessment
  • Roof assessment
  • ADA compliance assessment

The assessment should be delivered in the form of a written report.  A meeting should be scheduled in conjunction with delivery of the report to allow for additional questions and answers.  The report should serve as a framework that assists the Board of Commissioners to prioritize projects and solicit bids for public work at the LaPorte County Courthouse.

Any quote should include the qualifications of the service provider and any subcontractors, a general description of the manner in which assessments will be conducted, and the estimated date that assessment services may be initiated and the report completed.

The Board of Commissioners will accept quotes until close of business April 28th, 2023.  The Board of Commissioners expects to select the service provider and award the contract based on factors including cost, qualifications of provider, and details of services to be provided.

The Board of Commissioners expects to select the service provider and award the contract during the regular meeting scheduled for May 3, 2023.

Please contact Commission President Joe Haney ( to submit a quote, or with questions.

La Porte County Board of Commissioners
President Joe Haney
555 Michigan Ave Suite 203
LaPorte, IN 46350
219-326-6808 ext 2229