Community Corrections

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La Porte County Community Corrections Logo

Mericka Beaty,

Delora Garner,
Assistant Director

0368 South Zigler Road
La Porte, IN 46350
Phone (LP): 219-324-6304
Phone (MC):219-879-3590 Ext. 2357
Fax: 219-325-5130



To provide quality, cost-effective alternatives to overcrowded correctional facilities and to develop programs which encourage the active participation of courts, communities, victims, and offenders.


The Indiana Parole Board considers parole at the expiration of a minimum term for indeterminate sentence prisoners by the Board, which also acts as the Governor’s Clemency Commission. The Division of Community Corrections, under the Department of Corrections, supervises adult and juvenile parolees through district offices that serve individual counties.

The counties under supervision of the Judicial Conference of Indiana administer probation services for both adults and juveniles.

American Probation and Parole Association
Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and explosives U.S. Department of Justice


An offender who fails to report for supervision or an escapee or runaway from a placement in a community corrections component.

A client having regular contact with program staff for the purpose of receiving services or supervision. Absconders from a program or clients pending violation shall be considered active until formal revocation or court proceedings have been initiated or after 45 days of “no contact” (whichever is sooner). These clients have some obligation beyond merely financial (i.e., restitution, user fees, etc.).

The status of the client at the time he/she was accepted into the program. Any client who comes to the program from an adult court. All offenders 18 and over and those under the age of 18 who were formally waived to adult jurisdiction would be considered adults. A youth under age 18 referred from traffic court would not be counted as an adult.

Formulates the Community Correction plan and the application for financial aid required by IC 11-12-2-4. The Advisory Board observes and coordinates Community Corrections programs in the county. Must consist of members listed under IC 11-12-2-2.

A structured program employing quasi-military principles and methods to bring discipline to the lives of participants.

Community Corrections Grant Act Program. Program funded by at least in part by IC 11-12.

A child in need of services falling under jurisdiction of the county Division of Family and Child Welfare.

Any person or offender who has been accepted by the agency to receive services or supervision whether the client is an adult or a juvenile.

A community based program that provides preventive services, services to offenders, services to persons charged with a crime or an act of delinquency, services to persons diverted from the criminal or delinquency process, services to persons sentenced to imprisonment, or services to victims of crime or delinquency, and is operated under a community corrections plan of a county and funded at least in part by the state subsidy provided in IC 11-12-2.

A program consisting of residential and work release, electronic monitoring, day treatment, or day reporting that is operated under a community corrections plan of a county and funded at least in part by the state subsidy provided under I.C. 11-12-2; or operated by or under contract with a court or county.

Any other community corrections program not funded by IC 11-12. Community service: A sentencing option or condition that places offenders in unpaid positions with nonprofit or tax supported agencies to work a specified number of hours in a given time period.

A CCGAP component funded at least in part by IC 11-12 that provides direct supervision by agency staff for clients that are not jail inmates doing community service restitution work in the community.

Provides a specific type of supervision or service to a client. A Community Corrections program may be made up of one or more components.

A judge determines the number of “fine units” warranted based on the severity of the crime. The monetary value of each day fine unit is then geared to offender’s income.

A highly structured component using supervision, sanctions, and services coordinated at a central location. Supervision activities are intended to address public safety concerns and provide structure for the offender’s activities. These activities may include preparing a daily itinerary; making frequent phone calls to and from the center (some centers use electronic monitoring to perform this function); daily in-person reporting to the center; frequent and random drug testing; random community checks by the staff. It is also imperative that a single authority within the agency have control over required participating activities of the client. This authority must also have the ability to modify required activities of the client in order to respond immediately to client needs.

A center to which offenders physically report daily, provide a schedule of their planned activities, and participate in designated programs and services provided by the center or community agencies. The offender may be required to remain at the center during the daytime hours.

A child under the age of 18 who has been formally adjudicated for an offense that would be a crime if the child were 18 years of age or older.

The Indiana Department of Correction.

Appointed by the Community Corrections Advisory Board to oversee the daily management of a CCGAP.

Designates clients who are placed in a community corrections program component under I.C. 35-38-2.6 and not as a condition of probation.

Documented costs which are not in the approved grant application of the program and do not directly support the goal of the community corrections statute which is to divert offenders from the Department of Correction and to coordinate the local criminal justice system; applies to both the formal grant and project income; questions should be forwarded to the Director (Adult/Juvenile), Community Corrections Section, D.O.C., prior to the expenditure being incurred.

An electronic device placed in the home or worn by the offender who can be monitored twenty-four (24) hours a day to confirm their presence in the home.

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A summary of the grant application which highlights the major components of the proposed plan including purpose and goals, programs, and funding levels.

A program whose desired outcome is to improve the welfare and safety of families by providing services that support, strengthen and maintain the family unit.

Any item falling within either of the following categories:

  • contains a manufacture’s serial or identification number
  • has a life expectancy of greater than one year and is valued in excess of three hundred dollars ($300.00)

A conditional disposition of a charge against a client that results from a hearing of record before a judge or magistrate.

The actual living area of the temporary or permanent residence of an offender. The term includes a hospital, health care facility, hospice, group home, maternity home, residential treatment facility, and boarding house. The term does not include a public correctional facility or the residence of another person who is not part of the social unit formed by the offender’s immediate family.

The actual living area of the temporary or permanent residence of a person. The term does not include a hospital; health care facility; hospice; group home; maternity home; residential treatment facility; boarding house; or public correctional facility.

A sanction which restricts and monitors an offender to his or her residence for specific periods of time.

A client for whom supervision or services are provided by another program or jurisdiction through transfer, or those with solely financial obligations.

The legal status of a juvenile offender assigned to a program component by mutual agreement of the parties without benefit of a formal court hearing or adjudication.

A form of supervision with reduced officer to offender ratios. There are increased contacts between the officer and the offender and more attention to assisting with the offender’s service needs, e.g., substance abuse treatment, than on regular supervision.

A CCGAP component funded at least in part by IC 11-12 that provides rehabilitation, educational, or counseling services to jail inmates.

A CCGAP component funded at least in part by IC 11-12 that provides direct supervision by agency staff for clients that are jail inmates doing community service restitution work in the community.

The geographic area that is directly served as a part of a formal written agreement between the Department and local officials. It may be a single county, or in the case of a regional program, multiple counties.

A client referred from juvenile court or one who was under age eighteen (18) at the time of referral. (If a client turns 18 after acceptance to the program, he/she would continue to be counted as a juvenile).

Juvenile programs serving as an alternative to detention and/or incarceration.

A center for temporary and safe custody of juveniles who are accused of conduct subject to the jurisdiction of the court who require a restricted environment for their own or the community’s protection while pending legal action.

An electronic device that is limited in capability to the recording or transmitting of information regarding an offender’s presence or absence from the offender’s home; is minimally intrusive upon the privacy of the offender or other persons residing in the offender’s home; and with the written consent of the offender and with the written consent of other persons residing in the home at the time an order for home detention is entered, may record or transmit: visual images; oral or wire communication or any auditory sound; or information regarding the offender’s activities while inside the offender’s home.

The offense type for clients referred as part of civil court proceedings. Clients convicted of non-support as a criminal offense are not included in this category.

The category of crime, delinquent act, or infraction that brought about referral to the community corrections program.

Juveniles placed in the Community Corrections Grant Act Program component as a disposition which does not involve placement on probation AND who were not on probation at the time of the disposition.

Juveniles assigned to the Community Corrections Grant Act Program component who have not yet been formally adjudicated for the incident/offense that led to their assignment and who were placed in community correction while awaiting action by the court.

Any income derived from the operation of a community corrections program funded by a state grant (IC 11-12). This income would include, but would not be limited to, user fees (e.g., offender paid), program income (e.g., community service restitution), donations, contributions, etc.

July 1 to September 30, October 1 to December 31, January 1 to March 31, April 1 to June 30.

Programs for which offenders must be on the premises on a twenty-four (24) hour basis.

The court may order an offender to make reparations for all or part of the value of property or other cost of the crime.

(sometimes referred to as reparation) A program that offers the offender the opportunity to restore himself or herself to peace with the community by allowing him or her to make reparation for the offense.

Clients who, through formal court action, receive a change in an earlier disposition/sentence.

A “picture” of the number and types of clients in a program on a specific date.

Clients who, as a part of a formal disposition, are sentenced to an executed term served in jail or prison followed by a suspended term and probation.

A client under the age of 18 who has committed an offense that would not be a crime if they were an adult.

Non-violent felons who have been sentenced to a term of not more than four (4) years and Class “A” misdemeanants.

Non-violent youthful offenders who have been adjudicated for offenses that, if committed by an adult, would be a felony or class “A” misdemeanor.

Victim-Offender Reconciliation Program. The offender and the victim are brought together voluntarily with the help of a trained mediator to express their feelings about the crime and sometimes to work out a restitution agreement. Waiting list: Potential clients that have been referred but are not yet active, because the program component is at capacity.

A formal arrangement sanctioned by law whereby an inmate/resident is released into the community to maintain approved and regular employment and or educational/vocational training.

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