June 2020 Primary Mail-In Ballot
The La Porte County Commissioners want to ensure you can exercise your right to vote while staying safe with social distancing!!
You have 3 options:
Print Application For Mail-in Ballot
- If you have a computer and a printer, go to https://indianavoters.in.gov/MVPHome/PrintDocuments
- Click on ABS-MAIL: Application for Absentee Ballot
- Fill out the requested information and then print
- Mail the Application to the La Porte Clerk’s office:
813 Lincolnway, Suite 101
La Porte, IN 46350
Note: It must reach the Clerk’s office by May 21st
Online Application for Mail-in Ballot
- From your smartphone or computer, go to https://indianavoters.in.gov/MVPHome/PrintDocuments
- Click on Visit My Voter Portal
- Fill it out requested information
- On left hand side of screen, click Absentee Voting and Vote by Mail
- Fill out the requested information and click Submit
Note: It must reach the Clerk’s office by May 21st
Call County Office for Mail-in Ballot
- If you do not have a computer/printer or a smartphone, please call county offices at (219) 326-6808 EXT 2266
- Request that an application be sent to you
- Fill it out and mail immediately to the La Porte Clerk’s office:
813 Lincolnway, Suite 101
La Porte, IN 46350
Note: It must reach the Clerk’s office by May 21st