Greeting, LaPorte County citizens:


I understand you may be feeling a sense of alarm at seeing our LaPorte County positive COVID-19 cases surge over the last few days. I share your concern as do my colleagues, Dr. Kora and Comm. Mrozinski.


At Westville Correctional Center, the state health department sent their Strike Team here this week to test inmates who may have been exposed.  More than 77 inmates from one unit have tested positive which is quite concerning. We have asked them to return to test staff and more inmates and to take every measure possible to contain the spread. Be assured that we have been making our concerns heard clearly on calls and in meetings with leaders from IDOC, the Governor’s Office and the Indiana State Health Department as well as with our own local legislative leaders. We’re focused on getting a clear understanding of the IDOC onsite protocols which affect inmates and correctional staff members who are our neighbors, family members and friends in neighborhoods across our community. We are keenly focused on the safety of our own dedicated county employees who provide emergency response as well as the potential impacts on our health care systems and healthcare workers.


We meet weekly with department leaders across all parts of county government and also have a weekly meeting with county-wide elected officials, school systems, non-profit leaders and business leaders to share information and try to resolve issues/concerns.


I understand that this is a tough time for everyone. But we cannot let up now. Please continue to stress social distancing and the use of masks and sanitizer while  taking every precaution for you and your family. We are in this together. #LaPorteCountyStrong


Best regards,
